Name of Artist
Name of Exhibition
Exhibition Venue
start date - end date
At an exhibition I don't want to be entertained, I want to be challenged intellectually.
Rating between one and five stars.
At an exhibition I don't want to be challenged intellectually, I want to be entertained.
Rating between one and five stars.
A big part of art is seeing something you can't see anywhere else.
Rating between one and five stars.
Not the same as difficulty. You can have complex concepts that are clearly communicated and easy topics that are hard to read.
Rating between one and five stars.
Does the work adhere to its own internal logic?
Rating between one and five stars.
There is little use for perfection in artworks, but precision is a necessity.
Rating between one and five stars.
Time spent in exhibition
A metric for a personal connection to the work.
Relevance depends on scale of exhibition.